lørdag den 3. marts 2012

Folk Devils and Moral Panics

Hooligans can stand out as a threat towards social values and interests, which is being covered stereotypically by the media, where the right winged thinkers, let their moral standpoints understood. This lets the hooligans stand at court to a judgemental referee that makes “inform” decisions using their intellectual, but non-based knowledge take side without knowing the truth.

The sudden angst and panic created by a certain situation, that more likely to be a speculation, make people seek to the higher anarchy to find a quick resolution to quiet down the media and people for the moment.

The memory will at times remember the fear and panic created at the times of sudden fright. The remembrance can also be less dominant when being faced towards a new and similar occasion, because of a less dramatic description of events by the media. The people notice the reoccurring events and prefer the more violent and serious matters, where hooligans are brought in the picture. These young Mods and rockers interfere with the næthinden and leave a memory of chaotic and destructive behaviour that is intolerable. This is a position as folk devils, described by Stanley Cohen in “Folk Devils and Moral Panics.”

It’s a case of juvenile bandits that are the causation of moral panics in the public space, which bizarrely is not often visible. These collective movements of young fascists who’s is as animalistic viewed tries to escape from something and therefore seek something in common, where as a result fashion and styles are a part of the culture.

The medias idealistic view on hooliganism has made the hooligans suffer much more, because they are labelled as a phenomenon, which can be identified by the public and therefore easily be thought of as “irresponsible, immature and lacking respect for authority.” The people have made their standpoint and so has the media. Hooliganism is an interesting topic and now become internal enemies with the intention of damaging the reputation of the country.

It is nothing but chronic restlessness that is no good for society.

This is the right winged viewpoint, which consists of the respected leaders of the nation.

They generalize the groups and degrade them as much as possible, because of bedreviden. This is what the youth is fighting against. An old way of controlling and ruling people which at times goes too far and is the causation of riots and vandalism. It’s the same every generation have been fighting against.

Book Source 4 Stanley Cohen, “Folk Devils and Moral Panics,” Third Edition: Routledge, 2002, (print)

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